
Three decades of taking picture results in quite a lot of images! These galleries are mostly from the last few years when I’ve focused on landscape and occcasionally wildlife. I’ve included time-lapse videos in this section. One of my favorite things is to accelerate time to watch the light change.


It is difficult for me to describe the feelings of awe and gratitude I feel when I encounter some of these places. Or the great sense of responsibility and hope I feel when I see a place or an animal that is threatened by circumstances we have created. I hope these images convey some of these feelings.

I am an environmentalist. As such, I am happiest where the footprint of humanity is light or tenuous or fading. I have been photographing around the world for 30 years, drawn to wild places and patterns in nature that are revealed at varying scales and permeate our experience on the planet. I have more recently been documenting the changes in the Arctic and the Colorado River Basin.

Svalbard 2022

Iceland 2008-2021

Canadian Rockies, Autumn 2021

Oregon Fires 2020

West Greenland 2016- 2019

Canadian Rockies, Winter, 2019- 2020

East Greenland 2014- 2016

Into the Delta 2016- 2018

A photographic survey of the rivers, dams, aquaducts and tunnels in the whole of the Colorado River system.

Nicaragua 2019